Asd simplified technical english
Asd simplified technical english

It includes a set of approximately 66 technical writing rules and a basic general vocabulary dictionary of approximately approved words for writing technical documentation. Purpose and objectives of STE The international language of many industries is English, and English is the language most used for writing technical documentation. STE is regulated for use in the aerospace and defense industries, but other industries have used it as a basis for their own controlled English standards.Įnglish portal Constructed languages portal. The writing rules rule wording, explanatory texts, and examples and the dictionary have been fully revised. STE helps to make technical documentation easy to understand by standardising vocabularygrammar and stylewhile letting users control their specific terminology. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed.įor other simplified forms of English, see Simple English. Academic Word List Simplified English is sometimes used as a generic term for a controlled language. STE was developed to help the readers of English-language documentation understand what they read, particularly when these readers are non-native English speakers. ASD-STE100, Simplified Technical English for aerospace and defense Achieve consistency across all documentation types by aligning people and documentation strategies on a global scale. The Dictionary has sufficient words to express any technical sentence. In addition to basic STE vocabulary listed in the Dictionary, Section 1, Wordsgives explicit guidelines for adding technical names and technical verbs that writers specificatiin to describe technical information. For example, words or phrases such as overhead panelgreasepropellerto reamand to drill are not listed in ste10 Dictionary, but qualify as approved terms under the guidelines in Part 1, Section 1 specifically, Writing Rules 1. HyperSTE is a plugin tool offered by Etteplan to check content for adherence to the rules and grammar of the specification. Shufrans TechDocs » What is ASD-STE Simplified Technical English? The STE specification was first released in as the AECMA Simplified English This issue of the ASD-STE specification is dedicated to Dave L. ASD Simplified Technical English (ASD-STE), formerly known as AECMA Simplified English, is an international specification for writing. International specification for the preparation of maintenance documentation. Specification ASD-STE European Community Trade Mark No.

Asd simplified technical english